Government Radiography Association, Nepal (Go-RAN) is a a non-profit national professional organization of Government Radiography Professionals working under Ministry of Health and Population, Governmental and semi-governmental Health Science Academy/ Teaching Hospitals, and organizations. Established on 28th Mangshir, 2079 BS (14th December, 2022) with a few as 10 members, it has now been evolving into a large organization for all the Radiography Professionals all over the country working in Governmental organization. It is indeed an honor for us on of being the first professional organization of the Government Radiography professionals in Nepal.
Go-RAN has been playing an important role in the development of field of Radiography and Imaging Technology and is acting as a linkage between the government and the professionals. Go-RAN has been planning on publishing a Bi-annual medical journal and organizing scientific sessions to make the professionals fully up-to-date with the advances in medical science. It has been striving with great zeal for the common interests of the Radiography professionals and has thus contributed significantly towards the overall improvement of the health situation in the country. The dedication, commitment and devotion of many of our senior colleagues and friends have enabled this organization to come to this present status.
Welcome to
Go-RAN has been playing an important role in the development of field of Radiography and Imaging Technology and is acting as a linkage between the government and the professionals. Go-RAN has been planning on publishing a Bi-annual medical journal and organizing scientific sessions to make the professionals fully up-to-date with the advances in medical science. It has been striving with great zeal for the common interests of the Radiography professionals and has thus contributed significantly towards the overall improvement of the health situation in the country. The dedication, commitment and devotion of many of our senior colleagues and friends have enabled this organization to come to this present status.
Message From
It is a great honor and indeed a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to work with you all for the better future of our profession. Go-RAN has been established with the tireless efforts of our friends and seniors for the professional development of Government Radiographers and Radiographic Technologists. I, as a president, feel more honored and at the same time more responsible for my work and activities in order to uplift the professional standards along with the dignity of our profession. I firmly believe that as a team work with positive approach, we can make it happen. With the cutting edge and state of the art technological advancement in the field of Radiography and Imaging Technology, the significance of the Radiography professionals has increased in this decade even more. We are constantly lobbying with the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population and Ministry of Education, Science and technology and other different stakeholders for incorporating our agenda and objectives in various policies. I am really confident that our ownership and voices will be reflected on those policies soon.
With the main motto of unity, service and fraternity of our association, we will aim to unite all the Government Radiographers & Radiographic Technologists around the country by providing transparent and digitalized services. The beginning of a website of our association is the first step to this. We are planning to publish a Bi-annual Peer-reviewed journals with the aim of uplifting and updating the knowledge of the professionals by disseminating state-of-the art knowledge, technology, the new results and ideas of research along with the emerging concepts and experience in Radiography (Radiation medicine/Technology). I want to assure you all that the Go-RAN will be accountable, transparent and even committed to achieving its mission/objectives. I am looking forward for the continuous support of Radiographers/Radiographic Technologists for the encouragement to achieve our goals and make our profession more dignified in the medical fraternity.
Thank you !